Presenting the Living Passion in Modern Times

Presenting the Living Passion in Modern Times

Jesus in jeans and a T-shirt? Women and children in contemporary clothes. It doesn’t sound like the setting of the Passion of Jesus, but that’s just the point. At St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, members of its Drama Ministry acted out the story...
Entering Holy Week Around the Province

Entering Holy Week Around the Province

At the heart of the Viatorian Community is to “raise up communities where faith is lived, deepened and celebrated,” and that mission was on clear display this week in places where Viatorians serve. Take Cristo Rey St. Viator College Prep in Las Vegas. Br....
On the Road Again Talking Vocations

On the Road Again Talking Vocations

Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, has a unique story to tell about his call to religious life — and it starts with playing football at Saint Viator High School and the influence of one of his coaches, Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV. Br. Lamick got the chance to tell his story this...