by edaday | Oct 2, 2023 | News Archives
It’s not often that the Irish band U2 and its front man, Bono, appear in the same sentence with the Viatorians, but today, they do. Bono was spotted Sunday in front of Guardian Angel Cathedral, and as his band’s Facebook page captioned his visit:...
by edaday | Sep 28, 2023 | News Archives
In exactly 10 days, on Oct. 8, Br. John Eustice, CSV, will run his fifth marathon, when he lines up at the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. But even before he takes his place at the start line, Br. John will gather with his teammates in prayer. For the fourth year,...
by edaday | Sep 27, 2023 | News Archives
As students returned to the classroom at St. Viator Parish School in Las Vegas this year, they also returned to their outdoor classroom: the Grow With Me Garden. Located on the edge of campus, the raised garden beds were built by a Girl Scout in 2017 and when the...
by edaday | Sep 26, 2023 | News Archives
Nearly three months into his fulltime job as Director of Vocation Ministry, Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, has hit the ground running. Consider that in the last two weeks alone he has participated in retreats at Bishop Gorman High School and St. Viator Catholic Community in...
by edaday | Sep 25, 2023 | News Archives
The tradition of paying tribute to first responders at a Blue Mass, goes back to the mid-1930s in Washington DC. At St. Patrick’s Church in Kankakee, Fr. John Peeters, CSV, pastor, brought the tradition to the parish 15 years ago, and it continues to be a...
by edaday | Sep 21, 2023 | News Archives, Peace & Justice
There are lots of traditions that surround homecoming at Bishop McNamara Catholic School in Kankakee, but increasingly one of them is community service. The idea started in 2017, and for the past five years Associate Michelle Barrie, working in her role as Office of...