St. Viator Students Know Their Good Shepherd

St. Viator Students Know Their Good Shepherd

Preschool and kindergarten students at St. Viator Parish School in Las Vegas gathered last week for one of the school’s most cherished traditions: Hearing of the parable of the Good Shepherd from Fr. Bill Haesaert, CSV. He has reenacted the story for more than...
An Easter Message from Fr. Mark Francis

An Easter Message from Fr. Mark Francis

        Why do you look for the living among the dead? (Lk 24:1-6) As the celebration of Easter nears, we are drawn once again into looking at the empty tomb, at the joyful proclamation of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. The angel’s question...
Holy Thursday Remembered

Holy Thursday Remembered

In a solemn liturgy at the Viatorian Province Center, Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial, remembered the events that took place on Holy Thursday, and its rituals that haven’t changed in nearly 2,000 years. “Tonight, we remember the last meal Jesus had with...
A Vivid Portrayal of the Last Supper

A Vivid Portrayal of the Last Supper

“One of you will betray me.” With those words, parishioners at Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church in Bourbonnais began their Living Last Supper production on Palm Sunday, bringing back the production after a five year break, due to the pandemic....
Presenting the Living Passion in Modern Times

Presenting the Living Passion in Modern Times

Jesus in jeans and a T-shirt? Women and children in contemporary clothes. It doesn’t sound like the setting of the Passion of Jesus, but that’s just the point. At St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, members of its Drama Ministry acted out the story...