St. Viator School Students Recognized for Kindness

St. Viator School Students Recognized for Kindness

The Micah 6:8 Program at St. Viator School in Las Vegas celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, and its benefits keep on spreading. The program was created to provide students with physical and intellectual learning disabilities a Christ-centered environment in...
Viatorian Scuptor Remembered

Viatorian Scuptor Remembered

No sooner did renovation of the retirement wing finish up at the Province Center, than new landscaping was installed around the wing. Newly planted bushes, ground cover and a cluster of trees now dot the perimeter that once was sparse. Residents of the wing are...
To Fr. Tom, With Love

To Fr. Tom, With Love

As Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, wraps up his final week at Cristo Rey St. Martin, students, faculty and staff members shared their thoughts in a heartfelt video tribute. The images demonstrate just how much Fr. Tom put himself into getting the school up and running...