Mourning the Passing of Fr. Alan Syslo

Mourning the Passing of Fr. Alan Syslo

Fr. Alan Syslo, CSV, spent 66 years in the Viatorian Community, and 58 years as a priest. He passed away Sunday, at the age of 84, and those he served are remembering him fondly. Take his last assignment as Associate Pastor of St. Thomas Catholic Community in...
Feeding the Hungry on Christmas Day

Feeding the Hungry on Christmas Day

Fr. John Peeters, CSV, made the rounds on Christmas Day, visiting some of the sites serving up dinner to people who might otherwise be alone on the holiday. He came as the pastor of St. Patrick Church in Kankakee but also as a board member of the Christmas Day, Inc....
Young Adults Reflect on their Viatorian Roots

Young Adults Reflect on their Viatorian Roots

It was billed as a Young Adult Gathering, but what transpired Wednesday night was an evening filled with thoughtful discussion of what it means to build out a faith life as a young adult, before experiencing Taizé prayer — and all alongside Viatorian professed...