Meet Assistant Principal Paul Mertzman

Meet Assistant Principal Paul Mertzman

Pre-Associate Paul Mertzman has spent his entire teaching career in Catholic schools, but it was at his second school, Sts. Peter and Paul in Cincinnati that he made a memorable connection. Mertzman taught language arts to middle school students before eventually...
Giving Parish Hospitality a Warmup

Giving Parish Hospitality a Warmup

Catholic parishes are a faith home for community members, where they come for sacramental celebration as well as fellowship and social bonds. Parishes often offer hospitality through meals, donuts, and coffee, so how about through an on-site coffee shop? At St. George...
Listening to New Voices for Bolder Dreams

Listening to New Voices for Bolder Dreams

Venerable Louis Querbes told us, “People are bolder when they dream they are doing God’s work.” So, we are striving to re-embolden our Viatorian ministry with a new resource. Bolder Dreams is our new ministerial formation series, delivered as a weekly episode each...
Rest in Peace, Fr. Richard Pighini

Rest in Peace, Fr. Richard Pighini

Fr. Richard Pighini, CSV, liked to create beauty. Whether it was the lush gardens around Maternity BVM Church in Bourbonnais, or inside the sanctuary, where he personally led its dramatic transformation in 2013; he felt strongly about enhancing sacred spaces. “The...
Recognizing a Valued Partner

Recognizing a Valued Partner

Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, and Mrs. Judy Amberg, Director of Alumni Relations Emeritus for Saint Viator High School, have worked together since 1987, when Sacred Heart of Mary High School merged with Saint Viator High School. Amberg had been an associate principal at...