Reflections from Vourles

Reflections from Vourles

Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, attended the installation of Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, as Superior General with a unique perspective: Fr. Francis not only served two terms as Superior General (2000-2012), he attended high school with his good friend, Fr. Egan. Together with Fr....
Who Will Fill Their Shoes?

Who Will Fill Their Shoes?

Viatorians are called to embrace “those accounted of little importance,” and that’s just what they were doing Saturday when they attended a rally on the lawn of the Kankakee Courthouse, calling for an end to detention of immigrants in Kankakee...
Fr. Robert Egan, CSV, Installed as Superior General

Fr. Robert Egan, CSV, Installed as Superior General

With an international delegation of Viatorians in attendance, Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, was installed as Superior General of the Clerics of St. Viator. The Mass and installation ceremony took place in the historic church where Fr. Louis Querbes had served as pastor,...
Fr. Corey Brost Returns to his Roots

Fr. Corey Brost Returns to his Roots

Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, addressed sophomores on Tuesday in their Bible classes, and their teacher, Associate Barbara D’Urso, described it as “powerful.” His topic? Stories of how the Bible can change lives. He pointed to Jeremiah 1:1-8, where God calls...