Las Vegas Students Share Breakfast With the Mayor

Las Vegas Students Share Breakfast With the Mayor

Students at St. Viator Catholic School and Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas started their school day off in a slightly different way today: They joined with 400 other students in attending the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, as well as dignitaries that included:...
St. Viator Parish Celebrates Milestone Anniversary

St. Viator Parish Celebrates Milestone Anniversary

The venerable St. Viator Church — the Viatorians’ first namesake parish — has anchored the Northwest side of Chicago for 130 years, while its current church has served as a beacon for thousands of families for 90 years. In recognizing these major...
Viatorian Brother Realizes Career Milestone

Viatorian Brother Realizes Career Milestone

Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV, is a native of Colombia and last month, he professed his final vows with the Viatorians. Since January, he has lived with fellow Viatorians in this country in an attempt to learn English. Now, he is not only mastering the language, but he has...
Unique Viatorian Community Council Convenes

Unique Viatorian Community Council Convenes

Let the meeting begin! The Viatorian Community Council is a unique form of participation, that brings professed and associates together twice a year, as an advisory board where every member counts. It formed in 2010, to advise the Provincial Council on matters of...