Calling on the Holy Spirit at the Start of School

Calling on the Holy Spirit at the Start of School

As Cristo Rey St. Viator begins its sixth year, it seemed only natural that students, faculty and staff all begin the semester together, at Mass. Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, founding President, celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit, a traditional opening of the...
Meeting Students Where They’re At in Las Vegas

Meeting Students Where They’re At in Las Vegas

At Saint Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, students’ active faith participation doesn’t end when they graduate from eighth grade. Thanks to Viatorian associates — who partner with Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, Pastor and Fr. Lawrence Lentz, CSV,...
Cristo Rey St. Martin Launches 20th School Year

Cristo Rey St. Martin Launches 20th School Year

Cristo Rey St. Martin kicked off its 20th year anniversary Monday with a giant balloon arch in the main hallway, towering over the school’s patron saint, St. Martin de Porres. The day culminated in an all-school assembly, where students, faculty and...
St. Viator Parish Celebrates with Fr. Larry Lentz

St. Viator Parish Celebrates with Fr. Larry Lentz

Parish members at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas stopped by the Parish Center on Sunday to celebrate a significant milestone: the 60th jubilee of Fr. Larry Lentz, CSV. He currently serves in part time sacramental ministry at the parish after having been...