Christmas Joy from the Viatorians

Christmas Joy from the Viatorians

Advent is a wonderful season of the liturgical year. It provides us with time to reflect and anticipate the wonder of Christmas. The joy and anticipation of  Advent is truly reflected in the faces of children. They experience the awe and wonder of these festive days...
Spreading Christmas Joy at the Parish Level

Spreading Christmas Joy at the Parish Level

Forget the formal banquets! At the largest parish where Viatorians serve — St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV — thanking volunteers means throwing a joyous, holiday festival. Earlier this month, Viatorian associates and staff members...
New Provincial and Council Installed

New Provincial and Council Installed

Fr. Dan Hall, CSV, officially took his office — and made his profession of faith — as Provincial Superior during a prayer service on Dec. 16, that mixed his sense of calling with a renewed sense of joy. Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, Superior General, presided over...
Bringing Holiday Cheer to Viatorian Province Center

Bringing Holiday Cheer to Viatorian Province Center

It’s not often that visitors come bearing gifts and baked goods for the retired religious at the Viatorian Province Center, as well as the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Guadalupe. But Mike Crilly and Kathy Shields, who are the niece...