Viatorian Associates Caring for Creation

Viatorian Associates Caring for Creation

Associates Mike and Susan Bourgeois, and Dave and Susan Surprenant are part of a legion of Illinois farmers — who combine to be the nation’s second largest producer of corn — dealing with the effects of an unseasonably wet spring. Just two weeks ago,...
Viatorian Associates Add Vibrancy to the Community

Viatorian Associates Add Vibrancy to the Community

Viatorian associates come from all walks of life. Consider three of the newest associates to make their first commitments: A kindergarten teacher, an auditor with the USDA and a retired administrative secretary. Robert and Julie Lampley, and Paula Wasser, all...
Newest Viatorian Brother Makes Final Vows

Newest Viatorian Brother Makes Final Vows

In the Alumni Memorial Chapel at Saint Viator High School and before a gathering of nearly 150 people, the Viatorian Community welcomed its latest religious brother, Br. Peter Lamick, CSV. It was a Mass steeped in tradition, as Br. Peter made his perpetual vows of...
Viatorians Gather for Annual Assembly

Viatorians Gather for Annual Assembly

A sense of joy and reunion permeated the opening of the annual Provincial Assembly on Tuesday. Members came from Las Vegas, Grand Junction, Colorado and Bogotá, Colombia, as well as Arlington Heights, Chicago, Bourbonnais, McHenry and Kankakee, and all as one...
Viatorian Remembered On 75th Anniversary of D-Day

Viatorian Remembered On 75th Anniversary of D-Day

On the 75th anniversary of D-Day, Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, Superior General, reflected on the sacrifices of the men who stormed the beaches at Normandy, during his homily at daily Mass. Only later did he realize that one of the Viatorians who had taught him English for...