Viatorian Giving Garden Starting to Produce

Viatorian Giving Garden Starting to Produce

After the wettest spring on record in the Chicago area, the Viatorian Giving Garden is starting to reap the benefits of abundant sunshine. Its raised beds are producing fresh vegetables and flowers, all grown for the local food pantry. Associate John Dussman...
Teens Drawn to Unique Service Camp

Teens Drawn to Unique Service Camp

Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, credits his vocation to many of his experiences at Saint Viator High School. High among them was his involvement as a leader with the unique Service & Song Camp. This year’s camp opened today and for the first time, Br. Lamick is...
Br. Michael Rice, CSV, Celebrates Retirement

Br. Michael Rice, CSV, Celebrates Retirement

Oh, the places you’ll go! During Br. Michael Rice’s years as a Viatorian brother, he has served in Springfield, IL, before teaching in Bogota, Colombia, serving as principal of Saint Viator High School and ultimately at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las...
Archbishop Fulton Sheen to be Beatified

Archbishop Fulton Sheen to be Beatified

Long before Archbishop Fulton Sheen became a pioneer of televangelism, he was educated by Viatorians  at St. Viator College in Bourbonnais, where he graduated in 1917, and was a star debater and class officer. Now, he is the first student educated by Viatorians in...