Viatorian Youth Congress Opens in Colombia

Viatorian Youth Congress Opens in Colombia

After 10 years of drawing young people together from different Viatorian institutions — including delegations from Bogotá the last two summers —  Viatorians in Colombia hosted their own Viatorian Youth Congress. Over the second weekend in January, a...
Chicago Province Loses its Oldest Viatorian

Chicago Province Loses its Oldest Viatorian

Fr. Simon Lefebvre, CSV, spent 74 years as a Viatorian, literally advancing its charism around the world. He passed away peacefully Jan. 13  at the Viatorian Province Center. Fr. Lefebvre was 92. He had spent his final three years at the Province Center, where he...
Relationships with Viatorians Matter

Relationships with Viatorians Matter

Sr. Ann Sharp, OSB, publicly celebrated 80 years of vows in July, at the age of 99. She died less than six months later, just shy of her 100th birthday, and it was a Viatorian who celebrated her funeral Mass. Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, presided at the liturgy held at...