Keeping Up with the Vocation Ministry Team

Keeping Up with the Vocation Ministry Team

Promoting a call to religious life, can be exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. Just ask Br. John Eustice, CSV, Director of Vocation Ministry and Dan Masterton, Assistant Vocation Minister. Together, they are taking Viatorian vocations on the road,...
Making History at Catholic Theological Union

Making History at Catholic Theological Union

Catholic Theological Union has offered a program in Catholic-Muslim Studies for 20 years in order to advance justice and mutual understanding. Now, one of its students, Second Lieutenant Saleha Jabeen looks to take that mission to the U.S. military. In December,...
Excitement is Building for VYC 2020

Excitement is Building for VYC 2020

The Viatorian Youth Congress returns this summer, but to a new location: St. George Parish in Bourbonnais. There, teens will gather with young adult leaders and delegation adults — as well as many Viatorians — in the new Fr. Querbes Youth Ministry Center...