Zoom Mass For and With Young People

Zoom Mass For and With Young People

Viatorians have been offering livestreaming Masses since mid-March, when shelter at home orders went into effect and church doors closed. However, the Mass offered on Good Shepherd Sunday was shared via Zoom, and drew young people to join with several Viatorians in...
Recognizing the Prophetic Role of Religious Brothers

Recognizing the Prophetic Role of Religious Brothers

Celebrate the ministry of religious brothers! These vowed men have been a part of the fabric of the Viatorian Community since its founding in 1831, and they continue to bring the good news of the love and mercy of God to all, especially to those accounted of little...
Zoom Mass for Young Adults

Zoom Mass for Young Adults

At its very core, the Viatorian Community enthusiastically looks for ways to support young adults from Viatorian communities. Think greater engagement, ongoing formation and continued communal life. Those are some of the ways its Viatorian Vocation Ministry works with...
A Reflection on the Road to Emmaus

A Reflection on the Road to Emmaus

Associate Susan Bourgeois offered this reflection about the gospel for the third Sunday of Easter. She shared her thoughts with parishioners at St. George Church in Bourbonnais, but her personal struggle with loss and grief speak to a wider audience. Along her journey...