Adapting Mass with Help of Young Adults

Adapting Mass with Help of Young Adults

Since their inception, Viatorians have accompanied young people on their spiritual journeys. These days, in the midst of a global pandemic, they’ve have had to change with the times. And in reaching young adults, that means celebrating Mass through Zoom....
St. George Parish Welcomes People Back

St. George Parish Welcomes People Back

After nearly three months of restrictions and a closed church, Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, Pastor, welcomed his parishioners back to St. George Church in Bourbonnais, for Mass. “People were very interested to come home,” Fr. Dan said of the first in-person...
Receiving First Communion During the Pandemic

Receiving First Communion During the Pandemic

After 14 weeks of sheltering at home and keeping the church doors closed, Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, Pastor, opened St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas for its first Masses, but for a specific group: its first communicants. “It finally happened for very small...
Associate Ann Perez Recognized by Faculty

Associate Ann Perez Recognized by Faculty

As a member of Saint Viator High School’s theology department, Viatorian Associate Ann Perez teaches sophomore scripture and senior ethics. But that’s just the beginning. Ann also leads the Adult Faith Formation committee where she develops monthly...