Feeding the Hungry Needed Now More than Ever

Feeding the Hungry Needed Now More than Ever

Stamping out hunger is one of the core missions of the Viatorians. Consequently, as COVID-19 cases mount and unemployment numbers spike, local food pantries are seeing record demand, especially by first-time pantry visitors. Yet Viatorian parishes are responding. For...
Br. Peter Lamick Reflects on Religious Life

Br. Peter Lamick Reflects on Religious Life

Just last month, Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, reflected on his vocation for the worldwide community of Viatorians. Now, he appears in a national video, timed during National Vocation Awareness Week. It was produced by the National Religious Vocation Conference, which sees...
Alumni Memorial Mass Even More Meaningful

Alumni Memorial Mass Even More Meaningful

It has been more than 30 years since Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, established the Alumni Memorial Mass at Saint Viator High School. After taking over as president when Saint Viator merged with Sacred of Mary High School, in 1987, Fr. Bolser saw the Mass as a way of...
St. Viator School Welcomes Special Visitor

St. Viator School Welcomes Special Visitor

No sooner did Associate Deacon Mike Underwood join the staff at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, than he found a huge basket on his desk, filled with cards and letters from the parish’s schoolchildren welcoming him. “They were so...
Viatorians Congratulate Archbishop Wilton Gregory

Viatorians Congratulate Archbishop Wilton Gregory

Viatorians across the country are applauding Pope Francis for his appointment of Archbishop Wilton Gregory to the College of Cardinals. Archbishop Gregory is a native of Chicago and served at a pair of Northwest suburban parishes — not far from the Province...