Advent Prayer Service

Advent Prayer Service

The Arlington Heights/Chicago Region invites the Viatorian Community for an Advent Prayer Service Date: Sunday, December 20 Time: 4 p.m. Streaming on Facebook @ViatorianUSA
A Simple Image for 2020 Viatorian Christmas Card

A Simple Image for 2020 Viatorian Christmas Card

It starts every summer. Around mid-July, Br. Don Houde, CSV, the unofficial curator of the religious art collection at the Province Center, begins searching its nooks and crannies for that perfect something. His quest? To find a unique rendering of the holy family...
This Viatorian is a Lifelong Learner

This Viatorian is a Lifelong Learner

Experts agree that one of the secrets of aging well is to keep learning new things. Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, personifies this philosophy. It was just four years ago that he returned to the classroom to learn Spanish. He took his seat in a Spanish I class at Saint...
Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe Around the Province

Celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe Around the Province

The stirring image of red roses, set up in front of an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, filled the chapel at the Viatorian Province Center with hope and joy on her feast day, just as the flowers did more than 450 years ago when the Mexican peasant, Juan Diego, brought...
An Advent Message from Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV

An Advent Message from Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV

Advent greetings from the Province Center. Advent is a wonderful season. It is a season of waiting and expectation. For me, the visual image of Advent is found in the faces of children as they look in wonder at the Christmas lights and the anticipation of Christmas...