Statement on the 2024 General Election

Statement on the 2024 General Election

On the eve of the presidential election and during this time of unprecedented division, it is important for all of us to remember the values that unite us as citizens of the U.S. and as believers. The foundational belief of Catholic Social Teaching is the conviction...
Making the Viatorian Connection in Spain

Making the Viatorian Connection in Spain

Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, is enjoying his travels on a pilgrimage through Portugal and Spain, but today he broke away from the group to reconnect with his confrere, Br. Jose Javier Garcia, CSV, who teaches at Colegio Nuestra Senora de Fatima (Our Lady of Fatima School)...
Viatorians Open Pilgrimage in Portugal at Fatima

Viatorians Open Pilgrimage in Portugal at Fatima

This week, Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, and Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, led parishioners from St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, on a pilgrimage to Portugal and Spain. Their itinerary is impressive, with stops in Lisbon, Seville, Granada, Toledo, Madrid and Barcelona....
Happy St. Viator Day!

Happy St. Viator Day!

No matter where Viatorians serve around the world, they all will pause today, Oct. 21, to celebrate the feast of the patron of the community, St. Viator. The celebrations started early in Arlington Heights, where Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial celebrated Mass...