Newest Novice Begins a Year of Formation in Chile

Newest Novice Begins a Year of Formation in Chile

Diego Carvajal, of Bogotá, is the Viatorian Community’s latest novice. He brings a background in public accounting to the community, having earned his degree in 2016 from Universidad la Gran Colombia. But it was a spiritual retreat he attended during college...
#ViatorCrew Reflections

#ViatorCrew Reflections

The future of the Catholic church is in good hands if daily reflections posted by young people involved at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas is any indication. Each day during Lent, Associate Rosy Hartz — Youth Faith Formation Coordinator at the parish...
Chicago Province Lends a Hand

Chicago Province Lends a Hand

It has been more than 10 years since a devastating earthquake tore through Haiti, killing an estimated 250,000 people and displacing another 5 million. Among the carnage was the destruction of Villa Manrèse, a bustling retreat center in the capitol city of...