Micah Program Creates Leaders

Micah Program Creates Leaders

Matthew holds a special place with the Viatorian Community. In 2019, Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, Provincial and his Provincial Council members provided a scholarship for Matthew to attend St. Viator Parish School in Las Vegas — following his older brother and his...
Viator House of Hospitality Wins Grant

Viator House of Hospitality Wins Grant

Strengthening communities though innovative solutions. Building a culture of inclusion. Advancing youth education and empowerment. Those are just some of the qualities that describe the work of Viator House of Hospitality — and officials with NBC 5, Telemundo...
Q & A with Pre-Associate Jason Wilhite

Q & A with Pre-Associate Jason Wilhite

When Jason Wilhite graduated from Saint Viator High School in 2015, his involvement with the Viatorian Community only deepened — to the point where he is now back at the school working in Campus Ministry and discerning his vocation as a Viatorian associate. His...
English Newscast from Colegio San Viator in Tunja

English Newscast from Colegio San Viator in Tunja

Colegio San Viator in Tunja features all the qualities of a Viatorian education, namely one that is faith-based, co-educational, bilingual and pastoral, with professed Viatorians on its faculty and staff. Here’s a glimpse inside the school, with students serving...
St. Viator Youth Work to ‘Clean the World’

St. Viator Youth Work to ‘Clean the World’

Hands-on learning. That’s part of what drives Campus Ministry at St. Viator Parish School in Las Vegas, and its most recent service project showed why: they packed hygiene kits for at risk children and teens in the Las Vegas area. Led by Associate Rosy Hartz,...
Work Begins on New Season of Gardening

Work Begins on New Season of Gardening

After a long winter, gardeners came out of hibernation and returned to the serenity of working the land, the Viatorian Community garden, that is, located on the grounds of the Viatorian Province Center in Arlington Heights. On the first weekend after Mother’s...