As Cristo Rey St. Viator begins its sixth year, it seemed only natural that students, faculty and staff all begin the semester together, at Mass. Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, founding President, celebrated the Mass of the Holy Spirit, a traditional opening of the academic year to pray for guidance and protection.

Br. Carlos Florez offers a blessing to CFO Sandy Tsutahara.
His homily focused on the power of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He asked students to select one particular gift from the traditional list of the seven — wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord — that they needed most as they approach a new school year.
After his homily, the school community heard from senior Elizabeth Macaraig, who shared her excitement and experience after attending the Viatorian Youth Congress in June. She came away, she said, with a new passion to live out her faith more actively and get involved in her parish.

Senior Elizabeth Macaraig shares her experience at VYC.
“At the end of the Congress we had our final Mass where they asked us what we felt called to do and how we were going to live that out,” Elizabeth said. “For me, I felt called to help my parish in Youth Ministry. I want to be able to meet young people where they are at on their faith journey and inspire them to grow closer to God.
“After going to VYC I’ve now become a catechist for confirmation at my parish,” she added, “and have started a new youth group called Fulfillment Friday, which is a bible study for students in high school.”
Br. Carlos Florez, CSV, who helped prepare the Mass with Campus Ministry Director Rosie Rinaldo, said Elizabeth’s reflection resonated with her classmates.
“Her talk was inspiring and it was invitational to the Cristo Rey St. Viator students considering attending VYC,” Br. Carlos said.

Fr. Tom leads a blessing of the graduates.
The Mass drew recent alumni, from the classes of 2023 and 2024 to attend. At the end of Mass, Fr. Tom and all of the students and staff extended their hands out in blessing these graduates before they leave for college.
In addition, the Mass also featured several students playing instruments and leading the community in song and praise. Their involvement reflected the school’s efforts in trying to expand its liturgical music, by encouraging students to participate as liturgical leaders and singers.
“It was a powerful way to come together in prayer and at the Eucharist.” Fr. Tom said, “as we begin our sixth school year as Cristo Rey St. Viator College Preparatory.”