Nearly three months into his fulltime job as Director of Vocation Ministry, Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, has hit the ground running. Consider that in the last two weeks alone he has participated in retreats at Bishop Gorman High School and St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas, as well as back in Illinois at Cristo Rey St. Martin and at Saint Viator High School talking to seniors about his own vocation story.

Br. Peter Lamick helps prepare candles for Taize prayer at Bishop Gorman.
Next month, he has even more service projects and presentations planned, leading up to another Young Adult Men’s Retreat on Nov. 4, designed much like the first one, which took place in August at the Province Center.
It’s all in a day’s work and one that has him meeting young people where they’re at.
“I know there are discerners out there,” Br. Peter told the Viatorian Community when he took on the job on July 1. “We just have to collaborate together to figure out how best to reach them.”
The key word is collaborate.
In his newly revised bio, Br. Peter reflects on the impact those retreats had on him during his years at Saint Viator High School and later at Benedictine University. Yet, his discernment advanced through the collaboration of mentors — like his Viatorian teachers and coaches, as well as Fr. David Turner, OSB, a Benedictine monk from St. Procopius Abbey whom he met at Benedictine — and meaningful service experiences.

Br. Lamick, left, and Br. Robertson talk to confirmation students at St. Viator Catholic Community.
“Vocation ministry in the Church today has been rapidly evolving,” Br. Peter says. “More than ever, different religious congregations, dioceses, schools, parishes and other Catholic communities are collaborating to cultivate a culture of vocations in the Church, for every baptized Catholic to discern their mission in the Church.
“As a vocation director,” he adds, “my ministry consists of promoting this vocational culture, and evangelizing the vocation to religious life and priesthood.”