Churches around the world celebrated the Feast of the Immaculate Conception today, since the actual feast fell on Dec. 8, on a Sunday. And while the feast celebrates the conception of Mary without original sin, Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV, brought the Angel Gabriel’s words home to students at Saint Viator High School: “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God.”

Br. Jhobany Orduz, left, and Fr. John Eustice
Later in Luke’s passage, Gabriel says to Mary: The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.”
Br. Jhobany, who currently is a deacon at Maternity BVM Church in Bourbonnais and in formation for the priesthood, spent last year in Campus Ministry at Saint Viator. Today, members of the school’s Campus Ministry office, including Fr. John Eustice, CSV, and Associate Ann Perez, invited Br. Jhobany back. He preached at today’s all-school Mass, which was celebrated by Fr. John.
“The Gospel for this Solemnity is about the encounter between the Angel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary,” Br. Jhobany says. “But at the same time, the reality for the students is the coming week with exams at the end of their semester, before Christmas break.”
Consequently, he adapted the Angel Gabriel’s words into something like this: ‘Do not be afraid because the Lord is and will be with you through this process.’ He then invited students to imagine themselves in such an encounter with the angel. He knows it is a far cry from many of their encounters on social media, from taking selfies or videos to post on Instagram or Facebook or videos for TikTok, which typically bring them joy.

Br. Jhobany preaches to the students.
But their exams can bring fear, he said, that nothing on social media can remedy.
“The Lord’s good news is that you have nothing to be afraid of,” Br. Jhobany said. “Trust me that the Lord is with you and will help you through your challenges.
“My invitation is to trust in God’s love, Do as Mary did, complete your tasks, and prepare to fulfill your part as she did,” he added. “But know that the Holy Spirit will support you and bring you peace and self-confidence, in helping you achieve good grades in your exams.”