Br. Jhobany Orduz, CSV, was filled with emotion Saturday when he was ordained a transitional deacon, completing the last step in his formation before he transitions into priesthood.

Br. Jhobany Orduz, with Fr. Dan Hall, left
“This ordination is an opportunity to continue working with — and for — my community, but now through the ministry of service,” Br. Jhobany said.
The ordination took place Saturday at Maternity BVM Church in Bourbonnais, with nearly a dozen Viatorians on the altar — including some from his native Colombia — and many lay associates in attendance. The diaconal ordination Mass also drew members of the Spanish-speaking community from St. Patrick Parish in nearby Momence, IL.
“I am grateful to the parishioners of Maternity BVM who have welcomed me with generosity and an open heart,” Br. Jhobany said. “I also have gratitude for the Latino community of Momence.”
Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV, concelebrated the Mass, with Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial, and Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, Pastor. The liturgy was filled with joy as it was enriched by the parish’s adult choir and instrumental music. Fr. Francis presented Br. Jhobany to Bishop Glancy, who through the imposition of his hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit performed the ordination.
As part of the Mass, Br. Jhobany made his promise of obedience to his ordinary (Provincial Superior), before lying prostrate on the floor, while the choir and the congregation invoked the intercession of the communion of saints by singing the Litany of the Saints.
“Lying prostrate before the altar was a reminder of my vulnerability before God,” Br. Jhobany says. “That time of prayer and reflection on my life was very significant for the ministry I am starting.”
Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, — who was Provincial when Br. Jhobany professed his perpetual vows — helped Br. Jhobany put on his first vestments, including a stole and dalmatic. Br. Jhobany then assisted the celebrants during the consecration and distribution of the Eucharist.
Br. Jhobany will serve as a deacon for the next year in the Bourbonnais/Kankakee region, primarily at Maternity BVM, where Fr. Jason will assist in his transition.

Fr. Hall helps Br. Jhobany with his vestments.
“Now, the actual sacramental reality begins,” Br. Jhobany said, as he pointed to living out his ministry through service to the poor and needy, as well as special care for the sick and the elderly, service to the altar, and teaching and preaching to the people of God.
“I hope to continue to be open to God´s mercy in my life,” he added, “and become a source of his mercy for others.”