Back in 2016, Br. Carlos Ernesto Flórez, CSV, closed out his role as a trusted councilor of Fr. Alain Ambeault, CSV, superior general, signaling just how rich his experiences have been during his 25 years as a Viatorian.
He now has embarked on an exciting journey, working with other Viatorians to start the new Cristo Rey St. Viator Las Vegas College prep, as its Director of Admissions and Recruitment.
Br. Carlos is a native of Bogotá, Colombia and he began his ministry with the Viatorians as a teaching brother and campus ministry director at Colegio San Viator. Five years later, he would leave his native country and serve with Viatorians at their mission in Belize, offering liturgy training to lay ministers.

Br. Carlos Flórez, CSV, and Fr. Dudley Pierre, CSV, of Haiti, during a dinner after the Extraordinary General Council meeting in 2013
Colombia would call him back to serve as vocations director before he first arrived in the United States in 2004. Over the last 12 years, Br. Carlos has led the Hispanic ministry at St. Viator Parish in Chicago, served as admissions director at Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep, and as a key staff member at the Viatorian Province Center. He also became an American citizen.
In 2012, Br. Carlos was appointed by Fr. Ambeault as a member of his general council, and in that role, he traveled to Viatorian institutions around the world.
“As a native of Bogotá, and someone who worked in Belize and lived in the United States,” Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, former provincial said at the time, “he’s a natural.”

Br. Carlos Florez promotes Cristo Rey St. Viator to prospective families visiting a flea market in Las Vegas
Now this native Spanish speaker bring his gifts and rich experience to a new school and its mission of empowering students with limited economic means, to become people of faith, purpose and service.
He began as its first Director of Recruiting and Admissions, helping to seat the first four classes of students. Br. Carlos now serves as Director of Catholic and Viatorian Identity & Mission.
Updated Dec. 12, 2023