It has been four years since altar servers have been part of Holy Week Masses at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas. Sidelining these young acolytes was among the many ways in which the pandemic disrupted daily life.

However, this year at St. Viator, altar servers returned during Holy Week and just seeing these young people actively involved in the liturgies deepened the Easter joy throughout the parish.
“All of them were trained and the week was beautiful because of them,” says Associate Rosy Hartz, Youth Faith Formation Coordinator, adding that none of it would have been possible without the support of their parents.
One of them, Corbin, described the experience this way: “I was nervous at first, but I enjoyed it because it was a very beautiful Mass.”
Servers were part of Masses celebrated by all of the Viatorians at parish, including Fr. Robert M. Egan, CSV, Fr. Lawrence Lentz, CSV, Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV, and even Associate Deacon Michael Underwood, during the Service of Light at the Easter Vigil.
“The joy and pride from the parents to see their children be able to take part in the holiest of days was nothing short of amazing,” Hartz adds.

Altar servers prepare to process in, before Fr. Robert M. Egan
Training altar servers and celebrating the liturgy with them is another way Viatorians accompany young people on their faith journey. After all, as Viatorians they are called to accompany young people where they are at, as stated in the community’s vision statement: “In the spirit of our founder, Fr. Louis Querbes, we minister to and with young people in the Church, and are committed to their faith development and active membership in their respective faith communities.”