Pentecost Sunday took on renewed significance at St. Patrick’s Church in Kankakee. Not only did parishioners hear the gospel of the Holy Spirit descending upon the apostles and granting them gifts, but they reflected upon their own gifts.
Fr. John Peeters, CSV, pastor, instituted a tradition that leaves an impact on adults and children alike in the parish.
After the Pentecost liturgy, children of the parish gathered in the sacristy, while Fr. Peeters talked to their parents about the importance of using gifts bestowed upon them by the Holy Spirit — in service — to build up the body of Christ.
He pointed to service opportunities right there, within the parish, that ranged from serving as Eucharistic ministers and catechists for religious education students, to serving as supervisors on the Pembroke mission trip, or even preparing a meal for those on the mission.
Even the cover of their weekly church bulletin unscored his message, proclaiming on its cover: “The Power of the Spirit Within!”
When the children returned, each one carried a red balloon. They processed around the church as the choir sang, Come Along with Me to Jesus.