God’s Gentle Presence

God’s Gentle Presence

“You must take time to relax and think. Trust not your imagination, but your conscience and this in the gentle presence of God. In this you will find comfort for it will provide two satisfying answers: I do not want to offend God and I work for God alone. Do not...
God’s Gentle Presence

Announce Jesus Christ

“In whatever circumstances they may be, the catechist must never miss an opportunity of announcing Jesus Christ, especially to the poor.” DQ 127 3.10 Prayer: Loving God, we see the poor around us and want to share your love with them. Strengthen our...
God’s Gentle Presence

Doing God’s Work

“People are bolder when they dream that they are doing God’s work.” DQ 3.142 Prayer: Loving God, our one desire is to adore and love Jesus in everything we do and say this day. Give us the passion to boldly do your work in every moment if this day. In...
God’s Gentle Presence

Divine Inspiration

“God speaks to us…especially in the reading of Sacred Scripture.  We must therefore listen to that divine voice, with humility and simplicity…nourishment for our soul and our spirit.” DQ 550 8.98b Prayer: Loving God, your Word nourishes our spirits when we...
God’s Gentle Presence

Seeking New Challenges

“We will arise, with knapsack on our back, and we will go forth, guided by Providence, to seek out new challenges.” DQ164 4.9 Prayer: Loving God, our world is hungry for change, anxiety confronts us at each turn. Grant to us this day the resolve to share...