Viatorians Launch Instagram Account

Viatorians Launch Instagram Account

Good things are happening in the Viatorian Community — and now there are more ways to keep up with the latest news. Today, Br. John Eustice, CSV, Director of Vocation Ministry and Dan Masterton, Assistant Vocation Minister, launched a new Instagram account, in...
Association Reaches Milestone

Association Reaches Milestone

The Province of Chicago celebrates an important milestone on Aug. 3 — the 20th anniversary of association. The milestone falls one day after  the 137th anniversary of the founding of the Chicago Province. “Our community has been greatly enriched by the...
Camp MOSH Returns to Bourbonnais

Camp MOSH Returns to Bourbonnais

Parishioners at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais mounted Camp MOSH, or Maternity Outreach Service for Humanity, this week and its impact is tangible. Consider the numbers: nearly 100 teens, approximately 115 adult volunteers and all spreading out to work at 75 work...
Migrant Children Campaign Gains Momentum

Migrant Children Campaign Gains Momentum

Members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men — of which the Viatorians are members — are amazed at the numbers of participants they are drawing in a campaign they call, “Catholic Action for Migrant Children.” Below is a nonviolent, civil...