New Baby Illuminates Meaning of Advent

New Baby Illuminates Meaning of Advent

Viatorian Associates David and Susan Surprenant welcomed their first grandchild on Nov. 25, but that’s just part of the story. Their son, Brendan, and daughter-in-law, Sarah, welcomed Margaret Rhea to the world amid great excitement. Her birth has inspired them...
Blessings on Thanksgiving

Blessings on Thanksgiving

“In our country we have so much for which to be thankful. Many of the blessings we have we sometimes take for granted. Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to pause from our very busy lives to reflect on the blessings we have received. Loving God, you are the...
Asylum Seekers Becoming Increasingly Desperate

Asylum Seekers Becoming Increasingly Desperate

A story in the Washington Post demonstrates how desperate asylum seekers are getting as they spend months and months in tent cities in Mexico, awaiting for their cases to be heard. As writer Kevin Seiff documents, children are getting sick as the weather gets more...