Earth Day Means Gardening in Las Vegas

Earth Day Means Gardening in Las Vegas

Fittingly, the seeds that students at St. Viator School in Las Vegas planted on Ash Wednesday, began producing vegetables as early as Easter Week. They are tangible signs of new life! Today, on Earth Day, even more of these nutritious vegetables are ready to be...
Liturgical Music Makes the Heart Sing

Liturgical Music Makes the Heart Sing

Music plays an important role in the vibrant liturgies at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais. Under the direction of Chris Lord, Director of Music Ministry, some seven different ensembles accompany different liturgies, as well as teenage and adult musicians. One of...
Examining the Impact of Laudato Si’

Examining the Impact of Laudato Si’

Five years after Pope Francis released the landmark encyclical, Laudato Si’ (“On the Care of Our Common Home”), he is inviting the Church to participate in Laudato Si’ Week, May 16-24. Members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men are...