Viatorians in the Media

Viatorians in the Media

Br. John Eustice, CSV, and Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, were interviewed earlier this month on “Catholic Chicago,” the radio arm of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Their topic? The role of religious brothers. “You always hear a lot about religious sisters and...
Oh, the Places You’ll Go

Oh, the Places You’ll Go

Fr. John Peeters, CSV, is a faithful correspondent to his St. Patrick Church staff whenever Viatorian duties take him away from Kankakee. His accounts are filled with much detail, and are as entertaining as they are thorough. In reflecting on his upcoming 60th...
Viatorian Parish Crowns its Patroness

Viatorian Parish Crowns its Patroness

Fittingly, on Mother’s Day, Fr. Jason Nesbit, CSV, Pastor of Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Bourbonnais, concluded his liturgy with a May crowning of its patroness. The simple ceremony took place outdoors, in front of a statue of Mary, located in...
A Mother’s Day Prayer

A Mother’s Day Prayer

Fr. William Haesaert, CSV, is a favorite among the school children and young people alike at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas. In this short video, he shows why, as he briefly shares a prayer to Mary that his own mother taught him when he was a...