Black Lives are Sacred, Black Lives Matter

Black Lives are Sacred, Black Lives Matter

The Viatorian Community joins with members of NETWORK — made up of advocates for social justice, inspired by Catholic sisters — in honoring the fundamental dignity of all life. Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS, executive director of NETWORK, joined faith leaders...
Equal Treatment for All

Equal Treatment for All

COVID-19 is clarifying a significant source of global anger and angst: inequality. In a post published June 7 on the Voices for Creative Nonviolence website, Dr. Yakim Young, who lives and works in Afghanistan, writes about how the pandemic has revealed how our...
Associate Ann Perez Recognized by Faculty

Associate Ann Perez Recognized by Faculty

As a member of Saint Viator High School’s theology department, Viatorian Associate Ann Perez teaches sophomore scripture and senior ethics. But that’s just the beginning. Ann also leads the Adult Faith Formation committee where she develops monthly...