Read the 2020 Hunger Report

Read the 2020 Hunger Report

Eliminating hunger is one of the priorities of the Viatorian Community, consequently its members support Bread for the World Institute, whose mission is to end hunger in the United States, by mobilizing faith communities into one voice. This month, Bread for the World...
Adapting Mass with Help of Young Adults

Adapting Mass with Help of Young Adults

Since their inception, Viatorians have accompanied young people on their spiritual journeys. These days, in the midst of a global pandemic, they’ve have had to change with the times. And in reaching young adults, that means celebrating Mass through Zoom....
Pandemic Leads to Crisis in Human Trafficking

Pandemic Leads to Crisis in Human Trafficking

Since the onset of COVID-19, Polaris has been tracking data reported to the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline. According to our analysis, the impact of the pandemic and subsequent quarantine may already be leading to an escalation of sex and labor trafficking....
St. George Parish Welcomes People Back

St. George Parish Welcomes People Back

After nearly three months of restrictions and a closed church, Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, Pastor, welcomed his parishioners back to St. George Church in Bourbonnais, for Mass. “People were very interested to come home,” Fr. Dan said of the first in-person...
Racism is a Pandemic Too

Racism is a Pandemic Too

The Viatorian Community supports this statement on the George Floyd murder, the anti-racism movement, and the anti-police brutality uprsing. It was posted June 15 by the Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America: How long, O Lord, must I call for help? But...