Recapping a Reflection on Racial Justice

Recapping a Reflection on Racial Justice

Earlier this month, members of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men gathered with observers for its annual National Assembly. Under the theme, “Repentance and Reconciliation: Taking Action to Transform the World,” Sulpician Fr. Tom Ulshafer and New Orleans...
A Chance to Thank His Viatorian Teacher

A Chance to Thank His Viatorian Teacher

Nearly 50 years after Sergio Serrano graduated from Colegio San Viator in Bogotá, Colombia, he hasn’t forgotten the Viatorians who shaped him. Serrano carved out a successful career as an environmental engineer, specializing in ground water hydrology. When he...
Come, Holy Spirit!

Come, Holy Spirit!

Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais wrapped up the sacrament of confirmation this year, with their third Mass and celebration on Sunday. Led by Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV, who officiated, another group of young people received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and were...