Congress Passes Global Nutrition Resolution

Congress Passes Global Nutrition Resolution

2020 has been a challenging year. Yet, the Washington-based Bread for the World and its members achieved significant results for those struggling with hunger, in part because they acknowledged that their ultimate allegiance is to the kingdom of God, not to any...
An Advent Message from Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV

An Advent Message from Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV

Advent greetings from the Province Center. Advent is a wonderful season. It is a season of waiting and expectation. For me, the visual image of Advent is found in the faces of children as they look in wonder at the Christmas lights and the anticipation of Christmas...
Viatorian Associate Profiled in National Publication

Viatorian Associate Profiled in National Publication

Next year, Associate Rosy Hartz will celebrate 20 years working in youth ministry at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas. Consequently, she is passionate about accompanying young people in their faith formation. Which is why Rosy and her innovative ways of...