A Gift from One Viatorian Institution to Another

A Gift from One Viatorian Institution to Another

Cristo Rey St. Viator College Prep in North Las Vegas is among 37 schools across the country in the Cristo Rey Network. Yet it is the only one that has St. Viator in its name — and as its patron. St. Viator Catholic Community, located nearby in the city Las...
Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial

Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Provincial

Meet the new provincial. Fr. Mark Francis first met the Viatorians when he attended Saint Viator High School. As a student he enjoyed all the benefits of a Viatorian education, from its rigorous academics, to its rich faith tradition and fine arts activities. Yet, it...
Welcome Back, Fr. Alan Syslo!

Welcome Back, Fr. Alan Syslo!

A homecoming of sorts took place last week, when Fr. Alan Syslo, CSV, moved back to the Viatorian Province Center. He last lived in Arlington Heights when he was a novice, from 1957 to 1958, or more than 60 years ago. “It’s exciting,” Fr. Syslo said...
Reaping the Benefits of a Pollinator Garden

Reaping the Benefits of a Pollinator Garden

Students at St. Viator School in Chicago just wrapped up a hands-on project that will serve the parish community — and the environment — for years to come: They planted a pollinator garden. Led by parishioner Jeremy Ohmes, who obtained a Schoolyard Habitat...