Advent Reflection from Fr. Dan Belanger

Advent Reflection from Fr. Dan Belanger

“Blessed are you who believed what was spoken to you by the Lord…” (Luke 1:45) “Wow, for 25 years I am constantly amazed at what Jesus Christ has invited me to do as a Viatorian,” writes Fr. Dan Belanger, CSV, as he reflects on the 4th Sunday of...
Cristo Rey St. Martin Students Rise Against Hunger

Cristo Rey St. Martin Students Rise Against Hunger

Fighting hunger is one of the core principles of the Viatorian charism — and by extension, that mission permeates the schools and parishes where Viatorians serve. That was evident Saturday at Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep, in Waukegan, IL — which...
Taizé Prayer Captures Advent Stillness

Taizé Prayer Captures Advent Stillness

It has been four years since young people started a Taizé prayer service at St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas. What began as an outgrowth of their experience at the Viatorian Youth Congress, brought so much peace to parishioners after the shooting massacre in...