The city of Líbano, in the north department of Tolima, holds some history for the Viatorian Community in Colombia. More than 25 years ago, Viatorians served at Colegio San Antonio Maria Claret and at San Vicente Parish. It also is the city where Fr. Gustavo Lopez, CSV, first met the Viatorians in his work with a youth group.

Associate Gloria Pérez helps serve refreshments.
Now, it is a pair of Viatorian associates — Ninfa Barrera and Gloria Pérez — who led their fellow associates and candidates on a pastoral trip to the city where they both live. Their mission was one of sacramental catechesis and accompaniment to a group of disadvantaged seniors, or “those accounted of little importance.”
The group drove more than four hours to get to Líbano. The historic city is located in a valley near the Eastern edge of the Central Andes Mountains, where its main occupation is growing coffee.
Fr. Lopez accompanied them, in his role as Director of Association. He celebrated Mass at Divino Niño Parish, which is in the Diocese of Líbano – Honda, before the group moved to the parish hall where the associates helped serve lunch.

Associates Ninfa Barrera (second from right) and Gloria Pérez at Mass.
After lunch, they distributed toiletry kits to everyone there.
“We were happy to work together to advance the Viatorian charism,” Fr. Lopez said, “in this apostolic experience.”