At St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV, Thanksgiving is a working holiday. Once again, hundreds of families gave up part of their holiday to serve others. It’s a tradition that goes back more than 20 years, of delivering Thanksgiving dinners to homebound seniors, the disabled or those who would be alone. Viatorian associates continue to lead this ministry, which they call GLOWS, or God’s Love Overflows While Serving.

A long line of parishioners lined up after Mass to pick up their deliveries.
Associate Cheryl Schwarz coordinated the day, with help from her husband, Associate Dan Schwarz and Associate Juliann Dwyer — who led the kitchen crew in preparing green beans, yams and slicing all the turkeys.
The effort to feed the hungry on Thanksgiving, drew more than 250 parishioners to participate, including 50 volunteers who prepared and served the meal, and 200 parishioner families who delivered 825 meals to 500 locations throughout the Las Vegas Valley.
Cheryl credited not only the generosity of parish members but a social justice grant from the Viatorian Community, which helped underwrite the cost of the more than 800 meals that were prepared.
“We would like to thank our Viatorian Community once again for supporting this amazing outreach,” Cheryl said.
The parish partnered with HopeLink of Southern Nevada and Meals on Wheels, offered through Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada, to identify those in need.

Associate Juliann Dwyer coordinated volunteer cooks.
The outreach has impacted so many families in the area that this year it was covered by Fox 5, KVVU-TV. Its reporter not only covered all of the volunteers who lined up to pick up their meals to deliver, but they also accompanied one family to a few of its destinations.

Each recipient received turkey with all the trimmings and decorations to spread holiday cheer.
“We feel that they’re at home, they’re alone, they don’t have anywhere to go,” Cheryl said during the Fox 5 interview. “This brings some community to them, some warmth and helps them to enjoy the holiday.”
Feeding the hungry is a top priority for the Viatorians, whose mission compels them to embrace those accounted of little importance.