Associate Deborah Perez came to know the Viatorians at her parish, St. Viator Catholic Community in Las Vegas. She and her husband, Romeo became actively involved as volunteers in the church and school, bringing their respective backgrounds to the parish. Deborah has her master’s degree in education, while her husband is an attorney.

Associate Deborah Perez
Through their involvement, they reaped more than they expected. Both made their first commitments as Viatorian associates in 2017.
Born and raised in Texas, Deborah earned her Bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Texas – Pan American, now know as the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and a Master’s of Education from the University of Nevada – Las Vegas.

Associate Deborah Perez with students from Cristo Rey St. Viator.
She worked as office manager for her husband’s law practice for more than 14 years. She also was a kindergarten teacher at St. Viator Parish School. This summer, she merged her experience in the corporate and education fields, to become Director of the Corporate Work Study program at Cristo Rey St. Viator College Preparatory High School in North Las Vegas.
This corporate work experience separates Cristo Rey St. Viator from other private schools. Working one day a week, students get to apply what they are learning and make connections to the world of work. They also develop professional relationships that encourage success in college and throughout their lives.
It truly is “the school that works,” and Associate Deborah Perez plays a big part in its success.