Br. Peter Lamick, CSV, and Pre-Associate Dan Masterton hit the road again this week as part of their efforts in promoting National Vocation Awareness Week. This time, they visited with Saint Viator High School graduates attending Creighton University in Omaha, much like they did two weeks ago, at the University of Notre Dame.

Br. Peter meets with Fishers of Men at Creighton University.
They were invited by Trevor Lyon, a 2022 grad of Saint Viator — and a leader at the Viatorian Youth Congress last summer.
He invited Br. Peter and Dan to speak to his men’s faith-sharing group, Fishers of Men. Another student started the group last year to provide a consistent place for young men to share their faith and find fellowship together consistently. As Trevor explained, he joined in the early days, when the group grew from a few guys to a much larger size.
“Each meeting draws a different slice of the group, but their ongoing communications include dozens of students, and we spoke to a group of almost 20,” Dan says. “We shared about the Viatorian mission and history, shared our vocation stories to marriage and lay ministry (me) and to religious life (Peter), and fielded some excellent questions about discernment and vocation.”
“It was a unique opportunity,” he adds, “and we really enjoyed the chance to be with such a faith-filled, thoughtful, supportive group of young men. They clearly value their faith and seek to uplift one another with support and positivity.”

Br. Peter offers a reflection at Mass at St. John’s Parish.
Paying college visits goes back more than 35 years, back to when Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, served as President of Saint Viator High School. But this was the first time Viatorians had traveled to Creighton, and it was clearly worth it.
Br. Peter and Dan took students out to dinner, before joining Adoration, and then attending the evening daily Mass at the campus parish church, St. John’s. The celebrant that evening was Fr. Eric Immel SJ, who is a vocation promoter for the Jesuits.
“He noted National Vocation Awareness Week within Mass and welcomed the Viatorians in the opening rites,” Dan says. “He prayed for the Viatorian Community, vocations to priesthood and religious life, and service and ministry in the Church during the petitions.”

Br. Peter and Dan with Creighton students Dave Orrechio and Emma Ziebka
After communion, Fr. Eric invited Br. Peter to share a reflection. Without missing a beat, Br. Peter invited students to prayerfully consider God’s invitation and what strong draws are in their hearts.
It was all in a days’ work for this vocation team and of living out their goal of meeting young people where they are at.