Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, Provincial
On behalf of the entire Viatorian Community of the Province of Chicago, I welcome you to our website.
Our website has been designed with you in mind. We hope that as you explore our site you will discover a vibrant religious community committed to the education of youth and raising up communities where faith is lived, deepened and celebrated.
Our Founder, Father Louis Querbes, envisioned a community of religious and lay members working side by side sharing in community life, praying together, and working together to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to those they encountered in their daily life. Today, Viatorians live out that vision by working in parishes, schools, and social ministries as associates, brothers, and priests.
For those of you who are discerning a vocation to the religious life, and who are seeking to understand God’s call in your life, we especially encourage you to explore our site and contact us so that we can share the Viatorian story with you on a personal level. We invite you to journey with us as we discover Christ present and share that presence in loving service.
In the words of our founder, in all things May Christ be Adored and Loved.
In St. Viator and Fr. Querbes,
Rev. Daniel Hall, C.S.V.