Br. John Eustice, CSV, will be featured in an advertisement in the upcoming vocation discernment guide published by the Chicago-based Vision Vocation Network.
He is one of the Viatorian’s long line of teaching brothers, driven to reach young people and educate them in the faith.
Br. John attended high school and college in Las Vegas, where he first met the Viatorians at St. Thomas More Catholic Community. He entered the novitiate and took his first vows in 2005, before pronouncing final vows in 2008.
Br. John’s ministry has taken him across all parts of the Chicago Province, from his years as a novice at St. Patrick Parish in Kankakee, to his work as a youth minister at the Viatorian parish in Belize, and back to Saint Viator High School, where he now works as a campus minister.
Currently, Br. John is accompanying students on a Kairos retreat, but he also established a new tradition at the high school during Lent, the fasting table. Set up in one corner of the cafeteria, students and faculty alike may spend their lunch hour supporting one another and discussing Lenten traditions during a fasting type meal.