Collectively, they span more than two centuries of religious life.
Their ministries have stretched from Illinois to Nevada and as far away as Bogotá, Colombia and Belize. Over those years, they have taught generations of students and accompanied countless families through the highlights and sorrows of life, and all while proclaiming the gospel and working to raise up communities of faith.
“This is a time of thanksgiving,” said Fr. Patrick Render, CSV, who celebrated 50 years as a priest “for all these anniversaries and jubilees — and for all the history they represent, and all the grace in our lives that we have been given.”
Fr. Render was one of six Viatorians to celebrate jubilees this year. Also on hand to be recognized were Br. Carlos Flórez, CSV, for reaching 25 years of religious life; Bishop Christopher Glancy, CSV, for his 25 years of priesthood, and Fr. Arnold Perham, CSV, for reaching 70 years of religious life.
Unable to attend were Fr. Alan Syslo, CSV, who is serving at St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV: and Fr. John Pisors, CSV, who is teaching at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá, Colombia. They both are celebrating 60 years of religious life this summer.
“I truly believe that the Viatorian charism is as strong and vibrant as ever,” Fr. Perham said during his homily. “I believe that because of our ongoing belief in God’s revelation, that takes flesh in the Viatorian Community in our work and in our lives.
“Through our lives,” he added, “we must witness the faith we profess, the charism we embrace and all that we do, we do it in the name of the Lord.”