Vocations to the Viatorian Community are growing in Colombia, particularly among lay associates.
Most recently, a group of associates re-committed themselves to the Viatorian Community during a ceremony led by Fr. Gustavo López, CSV, association director, and Fr. Pedro Herrera, CSV, president of Colegio San Viator in Tunja.
These associates include: Cecilia Turriago, Ninfa Lilia Barrera, Mariá Elena Pareja, Mariela Cubaque, Claudia Leal, Erlinda Caro, Gloria Pérez, Diego Ríos, Laura Bohórquez, Libia Rivera and Luz Stella Serrano.
By sharing in the Viatorian Community, Fr. López says these associates are part of the fraternal life of the community and enjoy a deeper spiritual and prayer life by sharing in the liturgies, assemblies and many ministries of the community in Bogotá.
Fr. Lopez says that having so many associates in the community is a “blessing.”
“We work together — professed and associates — united in the light of the charism of our founder, Fr. Louis Querbes,” he says, “which allows us to reach so many people who need our help, not only materially but spiritually, and all with the goal of raising up the kingdom of God.”