Ash Wednesday brings to mind one thing to Fr. John Milton, CSV: sacramentals. Here’s his reflection on them and their role in the liturgical season of Lent.
Sacramentals: Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican Christians use them. They are signs of sacred blessings — reminding us that all of creation is sacred.
A treasure trove of prayers and popular devotions, medals, laying on hands, anointings, holy water, incense, the sign of the cross, ashes. These actions and objects connect us to the sacred and enable us to touch the divine around and within us.
Today, we are called as a community of faith, both to individual and corporate repentance and renewal. Where will the sacramental trail of ashes lead each of us — and our Viatorian Community this year?
Fr. John Milton, CSV, retired in 2010 from full time teaching at De Paul University, and that after he spent his first 20 years as a founding member of the science staff at Saint Viator High School.
He continues to serve as a physics consultant to faculty members at Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep, all this while saying Mass at area parishes, nursing homes and for his retired confreres at the Viatorian Province Center.