Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, grew up in Chicago’s Northwest suburbs, loving the Cubs. His loyalty
peaked in 1969, the year he graduated from Saint Viator High School and one year before he entered the Viatorian Community, when the Cubs made their historic run toward the pennant, only to be dashed when they blew their nine-game lead to the New York Mets.
Still, once a Cubs fan, always a Cubs fan.
Through his 46 years of religious life, serving as a teacher and ultimately president of Saint
Viator High School, to his years as pastor of St. Viator Parish in Chicago and current home at St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Henderson, NV — where parishioners designed a Cubs cake when he arrived — and through his years as assistant provincial and provincial of the Viatorians, he has remained a steadfast Cubs fan.
Now that the Cubs have made it to the World Series, not even some good hearted ribbing from his associate pastor, Fr. Michael Keliher, CSV — a lifelong White Sox fan — can dampen Fr. Egan’s excitement.
This is the year, and Egan will be rooting every step of the way.