Viatorians around the world pause today, the feast of St. Viator, to reflect on their gospel-inspired mission.

Fr. Thomas von Behren celebrates Mass on St. Viator day at Saint Viator High School, with Fr. Dan Lydon, left and Fr. Dan Hall
“Let us be women and men who believe deeply in the church, act boldly on its evangelizing mission and responsive to the needs of the world,” says Fr. Alain Ambeault, CSV, superior general. “May this grace be ours.”
Celebrations typically take many forms. In the Kankakee/Bourbonnais region, associates, brothers and priests gathered at the historic Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish for a commitment ceremony for three new associates and the definitive commitment of two more associates.

Fr. Richard Pighini led a prayer service for Viatorians in honor of St. Viator Day at Maternity BVM Parish
Their dedication to the charism of Fr. Louis Querbes, who was inspired by St. Viator, continues to advance the community’s mission.
At Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights, Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, celebrated his last St. Viator Day Mass as provincial superior, fittingly, with students, as well as other Viatorians, all united in the name of the 4th century saint.
Retired Viatorians living in the Province Center offered up their morning Mass to their patron saint, while at Viatorians living in the Las Vegas area will gather on Monday for a prayer service and dinner.
Viatorians at foundations and provinces around the world will celebrate the day in their native cultures.
“The charism inherited from Fr Querbes is part of our identity and a reason for their ecclesial passion,” Fr. Ambeault adds. “Let us give a special thanks to the Lord this day.”