At St. Thomas More Catholic Community, located in suburban Henderson, just outside Las Vegas, parishioners take the cause of helping “those accounted of little importance,” seriously.
This year, as part of their Journey in Mercy theme, parishioners donated more than $43,000 to help feed the hungry, served through Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada.
“We know that we could not exist today without the compassionate support of parishioners throughout the diocese who care about their brothers and sisters in need,” wrote Tom Roberts, president and CEO of Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada. “St. Thomas More has set the bar for many parishes to follow through your outstanding commitment to live your faith by helping the vulnerable members of our community.”
In February, Fr. Egan reflected with parishioners about Pope Francis and his call for the universal church to a year-long reflection on mercy — and his invitation to incorporate the corporal works of mercy into their Lenten journey.
“Once again, you witness to the spirit of the season by sharing some of your treasure to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, welcome the immigrant and work to make the lives of the needy better,” Fr. Mick Egan, CSV, pastor, told parishioners. “Know that many lives are made better through you.”